Tuesday, November 30, 2010

James Blaine (sorry late)

+ Champion of the half breeds
+Congressman from Maine
+Secretary of State during Garfield's term of presidency
+ good with people
+tried to persuade Garfield to his political side
+candidate for pres in 1884

"stalwarts" sorry im late:/ i sleeping i was sick:(

+a political group led by Roscoe Conkling of New York
+they seeked power in government
+supported the spoils system

Horace Greeley

+nominated for presidency 1872
+editor of the New York Tribune
+ office hungry democrats supported Greeley
+Greeley pleased the democrats
+ His first priority was his career he had built prior to presidency as the other candidate did this to.
+ Republicans bashed Greeley as an atheist, vegetarian, and communist. ect...(page 507)
+ never was a democrat yet he was the democrat cndidate.

Grover Cleveland

*Democratic candidate in 1884 running against James G. Blaine
*with about 1,000 votes from Irishmen in New York he won presidency
*first democratic to take oath of presidential office since Buchanan
*he named 2 former Confederates to his cabinet and later fired 120,000 federal empolyees to give to Democrats
*vetoed many pension bills issued by the GAR
*in 1881 he faced 2 ways to reduce the surplus of revenue in the Treasury ($145 million), he favored a lower tariff, and tossed an appeal for lower tariffs through Congress in 1887-->resulted in strong division of Democrats and Republicans so for the 1888 presidential election the Republicans nominated Benjamin Harrison and won
*in 1893 Cleveland took office again during depression (lasted 4 years) and failed to cope with it
*when gold reserve in Treasury dropped below $100 million he repealed Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
*embarrassed with passage of Wilson-Gorman Tariff in 1894
*part of "forgettable presidents" with Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, and Harrison

Roscoe Conkling

The U.S. senator from New York who led the "Stalwart" faction and embraced the time-honored system of swapping civil-service jobs for votes. Opposed to Roscoe Conkling"s followers, the Conklingites, were the "Half-Breeds" led by James G. Blaine of Maine. The half-breeds' chief problem was... (look at half-breeds, it says it there)
The rpoblem between Conkling and Blaine, who was also secretary of state, occurred during the short presidency of Republican James A. Garfield in 1880.


They were led by James G. Blaine of Maine andwere the ones who opposed the Conklingites, followers of Roscoe Conkling, who was a U.S. senator from New York. Roscoe Conkling led the "Stalwart" faction in which he embraced the time-honored system if swapping civil-service jobs for votes. After this faction, the half-Breeds' problem with the Conklingites was about who should get the ladle that dished out the spoils

Thomas Nast:

He was the gifted cartoonist who exposed Burly "Boss" Tweed to the public through his cartoons by depicting his crime of taking $200 million. Later, there was evidence found in 1871 and it was published in the Ney York Times. This prosecaution was headed by attorney Samuel J. Tilden and  Tweed later died behind bars.