Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln was killed by the "virtuous bullet". Originally, Johnson was vice-president because he would attract southern vote and war democrat's votes to Lincoln's platform toward presidency. Johnson was a dogmatic champion of states' rights and the Constitution. Johnson's reconstruction plan was similar to that of Lincoln's because it consisted of the "10% Government" and the belief that the seceeded states had never legally been out of the Union. Andrew Johnson was a supporter of the Black Codes since he was a believer of white supremacy. The clash between president Johnson and Congress was inevitable when Johnson vetoed a bill to extend the life of the Freedmen's bureau. Later on, rupublicans triled back with the Civil Rights Bill and when Johnson vetoed the bill, Congressmen steamrolled the bill over his veto. Congress tried to impeach Johnson. They did not succeed. The Johnson administration then reduced to a figure head.

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