*Democratic candidate in 1884 running against James G. Blaine
*with about 1,000 votes from Irishmen in New York he won presidency
*first democratic to take oath of presidential office since Buchanan
*he named 2 former Confederates to his cabinet and later fired 120,000 federal empolyees to give to Democrats
*vetoed many pension bills issued by the GAR
*in 1881 he faced 2 ways to reduce the surplus of revenue in the Treasury ($145 million), he favored a lower tariff, and tossed an appeal for lower tariffs through Congress in 1887-->resulted in strong division of Democrats and Republicans so for the 1888 presidential election the Republicans nominated Benjamin Harrison and won
*in 1893 Cleveland took office again during depression (lasted 4 years) and failed to cope with it
*when gold reserve in Treasury dropped below $100 million he repealed Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
*embarrassed with passage of Wilson-Gorman Tariff in 1894
*part of "forgettable presidents" with Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, and Harrison
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