Sunday, November 7, 2010

J.C's objective F.

F. The social and economic outcomes for the North and the South after the Civil War were completely different. The North was blessed with prosperity after four long years of costly conflict. New factories began, sheltered by the friendly umbrella pf the protective tariff. The Civil War also bred a millionaire class for the first time. Newly invented laborsaving machinery enabled the North to expand economically. The innovative machinery ended the production of custom tailored clothing and created standard measurements (sizes). Also , these machines produced surpluses of grain that helped dethrone “king cotton”. Socially, women were given new opportunities to work in areas once occupied by men. The South, however, had it much differently. The South fought to the point of exhaustion. The Civil War squeezed the average Southern income to two fifths of the northern level, where it remained for the rest of the century. Transportation also collapsed and the South was driven to economic cannibalism. They pulled up less-used lines to repair the newer ones. Socially, women were sick of war and were even willing to sell their hair for capital. The South had gone down with the “King Cotton”, while the North prospered with flying colors.

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